Home of Fantasy Author Raye Morris
Writer and Dreamer
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Dark Fantasy novella is up and ready! Follow Eris as she joins Fasinarè
Majiks has a new cover!! I'm absolutely in love with it.
Part two of the series drops Sept 12th! Get a taste with the sample~
September 12th, 2024
Raye Morris is extremely proud and excited to share her latest work Hoarfrost Heart, the next instalment of the Caeles series. Pick up where you left off as the group figures out what Chisanu is really after.

"Her majik writhed in this place. It was everywhere, breathing and yet suffocating. It was water and then it was not. Maybe it had always been like this and I had never been clear headed enough to notice. But when the city hum faded away into the retreating skyline, when the trees took over and we were left with ourselves, she was all I could feel."
Raye Morris (Mikhail's POV)