I will be at a book fair in Denton TX from 1p-5p
Come see me and get some goodies!
Domain Change
​The domain name or web adress will be changing in the next few weeks from jandiraye.com to rayemorris.com The old one will stay active with a reroute option until July of 2023
Mark your calendar or come preorder the electronic copy of Majiks! March 20th, in honor of the Spring Equinox, also happens to be around the starting period of the story!
​So I have decided to change the spelling of Kamran to Kahmran to alleviate any pronunciation issues. 01/26/22
Scents are now for purchase! I have made oil blends and body mists for the scents of character majiks.
Clicking this moon on the Majiks page will take you to the Five Chapter Sample
Some new characters have been added. "New to you" because I've known them a hot minute and they are already causing trouble in book two
I have redone the Caelestes page. It's a bit more chic and the formatting is better!
Snippet Button
When you are on a character profile that has a snippet, clicking the bunny/moon will take you to their snippet pages.
"Rabbit in the Moon tale", made sense to!
You can now purchase your own Snippet! With either a "you" character interacting with the cast or a scene you want to see that's not in the book!
Domain Change
​The domain name or web adress
has changed from
jandiraye.com to rayemorris.com
The old one will stay active and reroute to here until July of 2023
​Cerridwen and Bastet finally have art and Anubis got a slightly different shirt lol
Disclaimer on Snippet page:
They are unedited, unrefined, meaning they are first draft material
The first chapter as well as some grammar has been revamped if you wanna come check it out~
I don't recall why yellow and blue are so associated with Egyptian gods for me but here we are lol
Pronunciation guides have been added to all caelestes. I know that some shouldn't need them but some do so they all must have one
Location Change
Character and Caelestes page now under Portrayals tab
Come check out the new caelestes that have been added! Familiars, Gorgons, Kelpies​, Tatsukitsune
Daigua Snippet read to read! The death of Raine's family was merely a task he had been given.
Mikhail likes to put M&M's in his popcorn. Wonder what movie they are watching