Love is not a light emotion
It's heavy and dark
with nigh-time florals
and aether musk
Raindrops and stardust.
It reminds you that there's more
more to life
more to the mundane
more to beauty.
Love is not a light emotion.
It's not the winter sun
Not the empty moon
Nor is it a tickling breeze
of a springtime air.
It's heavy
In the way joy makes you burst at the seams
It's heavy
In the way it pulls you to and fro like the tide
It's heavy
In the way it poisons you against reason
Love is not a light emotion
So do not take it with a light grip.
Do not accept it from a light mind,
hold it with heavy hands
and love with a heavy heart.
Love Scent
Lovesick Collection
Your love is so quiet
that I often can't hear.
So quiet that I can't feel
the whisper on my neck.
I'm unable to notice the
soft touches of affection.
I need you to be louder
for I don't speak silence.
Lovesick Collection
Giving up on love was never my intent.
To turn my back on so much wasted time.
Wasted in the sense that I could have loved you differently.
Could have loved you better.
To forget you is out of the question
so I'll go on loving you as a friend
Loving You Differently
Lovesick Collection
There's so many secrets
I want to show you,
So many questions to ask, but
fear takes me over,
an icy hand on my heart.
I don't want my curiosities
to scare you away,
but I still want to start
Know Me
Lovesick Collection
You were a love
I wanted to keep.
Three years of waiting
and still you vanished
after one meeting
Lovesick Collection
By the time I say goodbye
It'll have been long past due
There will be no sorrow left
Only an empty smile
I'm not happy to say goodbye
More that I need to
Good riddance feels more accurate
You'll just tell me I'm crazy again
Lovesick Collection
Has someone repeated your name
just to get a taste for it?
to devour it over and over,
find every flavor hidden in the sound,
until you fit their pallet?
Until your name became the craving
that drove them mad?
Have you watched someone taste your name
and wanted more?
Tasting a Name
Lovesick Collection
Does my name resonate in your head?
Do you daydream of us?
Do you get so consumed with adoration that you feel like a wave trapped in a human body?
When I call your name, my voice full of affection, does it make you smile?
Do you love me in the ways I love you?
Do You Love Me Like I love You?
Lovesick Collection
I fell in love with you.
The way the leaves fall in autumn.
The way the ocean reaches
for the shore every day.
The way the night and day
chase each other.
The Way I Fell In Love
Lovesick Collection
You caress my fears and insecurities.
Like a love in a dance, hand on my waist, words in my mind.
I can't escape.
Around and around we twirl
around and around I spiral.
Your sweet heart keeps me from falling.
But I can't find the truth there.
Where will I find you
at the music's end?
Lovesick Collection
You were the dream from which I never wanted to wake.
The fevered dream that kept me from sleep.
The one person I set my heart on thinking it wouldn't fail.
A thousand days and you're still on my mind.
Every time I turn around, it's with a thought of you.
I can't find the right words for this longing.
I've never had your touch to crave it
Never felt your kiss to need it.
But that doesn't stop me
from dreaming of you.
Dreaming of You
Lovesick Collection
I find myself shattering
Falling into poetic pieces
Each broken shard a new tempo
Each laceration a new alliteration
A new stanza for each person
my heart encased
A repetition of sounds and syllables
Ever fluctuating in the metaphor
But explaining the loves becomes a simile.
But there's no smiles as the light dims
no music to fade out as the stage crumbles
beneath feet of betrayal
because I opened myself to the pain
of loving my new poem